Page 34 - WCHG Summary Social Impact Report 2021
P. 34
Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
WCHG Carbon Reduction Strategy approved November 2020
Developed carbon impact assessment tool to to influence decision making
Our homes
Developed role and remit of the Sustainability Working Group
to champion and drive progress on on on on carbon reduction
Submitted bids for external grant funding
Identified range of metrics to track carbon reduction
Ongoing partnership working with Greater Manchester Manchester Housing Providers and Manchester Manchester City Council
Aim: Ensure the the the Asset Management Strategy will deliver radical and rapid energy efficiency improvement programmes across the the the housing stock in in in in line with the the the approved business plan
gas fires removed in in line with plan
to remove remove secondary heat sources
Collected energy consumption information during annual property safety inspections
Improved quality of stock data to to improve understanding of o our retrofit challenge
boilers replaced with high efficiency models
Upgraded to LED ‘smart’ lighting in in the communal areas of two high-rise blocks
roof renewals including insulation top ups to to 300mm
7 properties converted from gas central heating to an air source heat heat pump
meter reading travel and seek to to improve energy efficiency 120
Introduced smart meters in of the 214 communal locations within residential blocks
to to reduce
Aim: Embed carbon reduction
as a a a a a a a corporate plan
priority for resources ways of working and culture