Page 24 - WCHG Summary Social Impact Report 2021
P. 24
Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
Education and skills Training courses
A range of training and educational opportunities are available to local residents from the the community centres During the the pandemic courses
were run online 18
people completed
functional skills 18
training courses
Throughout the report data is compared with equivalent data from the previous year where we have it shown as 2020/21 (2019/20)
job seekers participated in in in in online training 31
people received troubleshooting advice and repairs to digital devices 26 people obtained smart devices Supporting people to to develop digital skills has enabled them to to attend activity groups training courses
and exercise classes maintaining social contact through a a a a a a a a a a a a a difficult period Help was also available in in in in in fin in in registering and and using online grocery shopping finding information on on on food banks and and using council services In addition to to learning how to to use devices some also benefited from repairs and upgrades Others without devices were referred to to schemes such as MyOutsourcedIT which aimed to to to provide a a a a laptop in every home Digital inclusion (23)
people completed
IT training courses
Support with the move to an an an online world has never been more in in in in demand as as as many tasks are now dependent on on having access to the internet Funding was secured for more than 50 phones and and tablets
to to keep people connected and and enable them to to access support Digital skills 82
people participated in in in digital skills training 37
people supported to use Zoom Teams and Google Meet
people achieved qualifications
people supported to access online services