Page 17 - WCHG Summary Social Impact Report 2021
P. 17

Social Impact Report 20210
Employment and IT support
We helped tenants with with first time Universal Credit applications shared employment opportunities supported people with with job applications and provided online training 700
residents helped with Universal Credit applications 30 137
Wellbeing check-in calls
Remote youth work sessions developed and trialled
Community safety
play scheme packs distributed containing puzzles arts and crafts supplies snacks and Easter eggs We responded to over
IT support
and guidance for phones and and tablets to keep people connected and and able able to access support
job seekers
Weekly food parcel deliveries 160
Funding secured for 347
people participated in in in in online training Young people A whole range of support
was available for young people:
Crisis support
people 2 000
regarding community safety
We helped 100

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