Page 12 - WCHG Summary Social Impact Report 2021
P. 12
Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
Housing Social housing
451 (472) homes were let during the 968 (1 067) people
88 of the 451 households were homeless
86 (241) households moved from
temporary accommodation into a a a secure home 49%
of the tenancies were let to single households year
to to a a a total of 2 2 (2)
Throughout the report data is compared with equivalent data from
the previous year
where we have it shown as 2020/21 (2019/20)
adults who were rough sleeping were re-homed
of homes meet Decent Homes Standard
77% (81%)
of customers are satisfied with repairs
88% 88% (88%)
of customers are satisfied with value for money of their rent
As part of the Next Steps Accommodation Programme we converted a a a a a a a a a caretaker’s flat flat in Brookway Court to to two one-bedroom flats which were allocated to to homeless
applicants leaving temporary accommodation Work is is underway to refurbish three bedsits which will be be allocated under the same programme 78% (83%) of of customers are satisfied with the the quality of of their home 85%
of customers are satisfied with the the safety of their home 42%
of the tenancies were let to families