WPLC Covid-19 Vaccination Hub
Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre is delighted to have been chosen to become one of the first community based Covid-19 vaccination hubs, in partnership with NHS, local GP Surgeries and Clinical Commissioning Groups in Manchester. The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine which is 95% effective in preventing Covid-19 and works in all age groups, will first be offered to local residents aged 80 and above with a secondary booster jab being administered 21 days later. (No vaccine will be stored on site)
Work begins this week to get the centre ready to roll out the vaccination programme with 975 vaccines set to be administered. The centre was chosen in part because it meets the national criteria of a Primary Care Network area, characterised by a high deprivation and high proportion of residents ages 80 years and over. Wythenshawe residents will be notified by their GP as to whether they are eligible to attend the centre for the vaccine.
Chair of the WCHG Board, The Bishop of Manchester, The Right Revd Dr David Walker said, “I’m delighted that WCHG are partnering with the Health Service in Greater Manchester to create a vaccination hub in Wythenshawe. It’s hard to imagine a more appropriate place than a Lifestyle Centre, to roll out a programme that has such a vital part to play in helping us get to the point where our lives and lifestyle are less constrained by the present coronavirus restrictions. This partnership is a tangible expression of the commitment of WCHG, not only to providing healthy homes but to playing our part in addressing the health issues that affect the people of Wythenshawe and its surrounds”.
Group Chief Executive, Nick Horne said, “We are very pleased to be of part of history-in-the-making in the fight against Covid-19, with our Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre becoming one of the first vaccination hubs to serve our local community. The vaccination programme gives us all hope that at some point in the not too distant future we can resume near normal lives. Our work with partners to make this happen demonstrates WCHG’s commitment to providing practical support for the health and wellbeing of local people”.
Chair of Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre Stakeholder Board, Councillor Eddy Newman said, “Promoting a healthy lifestyle has always been one of the aims of Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre which is so much more than a community, youth and sports centre. This new role for our Centre could not be more important, bringing the vaccine that protects against Covid 19 to a convenient location for Wythenshawe's older residents. I am so proud of everyone in the NHS, in WCHG and at Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre”.
Sarah Woolley, Senior Community Investment Manager who manages the centre said, “I am delighted that our centre has been selected to be an integral part of the roll out of the vaccine. The centre is a vibrant hub within our community, with Covid and the impacts of lockdown like many businesses we have had to reduce our offer and much needed support to our community. Our commitment to working with our health partners to ensure our communities health and wellbeing is a priority has meant that we are able part of that journey to building back better for our local community and economy”.
The distribution of vaccine across the UK is being undertaken by Public Health England and the NHS in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland through systems specially adapted from those used for the national immunisation programmes. The NHS has a strong record of delivering large scale vaccination programmes - from the flu jab, HPV vaccine and lifesaving MMR jabs.
Residents are reminded whilst the vaccination programme is rolled out, the best way of fighting the virus is to keep maintaining social distancing practices, washing hands regularly and wearing a mask. The roll out of the vaccine brings hope that this is the beginning of the pandemic’s end.
Q. The vaccine has been developed very quickly – how can we know it is safe?
A. I’m sure a lot of people will want to ask this and that’s very understandable. And, yes the vaccine has been completed at speed – but that’s because we are in a pandemic and it is a priority with our best scientific minds working on it, and dedicated to it. The vaccine has undergone months of rigorous testing and will only be used once the strict safety approvals have been met. This includes approval from the MHRA, the official UK regulator, like all other medicines and devices.
Q. Does it change your DNA?
A. No, it definitely doesn’t. The content of the Covid vaccines does not go anywhere near our own genetic material and has no ability to change it or us.
Q. There lots of rumours about it containing human or animal products
A. No, it doesn’t contain either human or animal products (so no porcine content either).
Q. I’ve heard you can catch flu from the flu jab – can you get Covid from this vaccination?
A. Taking flu first: the flu vaccination used in our country does not contain live virus, so it does not – and cannot – give anyone flu.
If people do feel a bit under the weather after a flu jab it is because their own immune system is kicking in after the vaccination. Sometimes, if people catch a cold at the same time they think it is due to the vaccination, but isn’t – it’s just a coincidence.
The Covid vaccination does not contain the actual virus, so it’s physically impossible to catch the disease from it.
Q. What if I’ve had Covid already – will the vaccination work for me?
A. Even if you have had Covid, and were eligible for the vaccination, it would be a good idea to have it. This is because we still do not know how long immunity lasts. Having the jab would help to ensure your immunity is as strong as it can be.
Q. Will I be forced to have the vaccination?
A. No, you won’t, it is by choice. If you decide against it you would need to be aware that you are at greater risk of the virus and of passing it on.
Q. I’ve heard that the vaccine trials did not include people from ethnic minority backgrounds – is that true?
A. No, trials did include people from ethnic minority backgrounds. The vaccine producers did make a call for more volunteers recently so that the study matched vulnerable groups – just like they did with the over 65s too.
Q. Should I leave a gap between getting the flu and Covid vaccines?
A. We are also encouraging people to have their flu vaccinations as soon as possible.The flu vaccine is important because if you’re at higher risk from coronavirus, you’re also more at risk of problems from flu. Research shows people can catch both diseases at the same time, with serious and potentially serious consequences.
People also need to have at least 7 days between a flu and a Covid vaccine.