WOW Heritage Project Goes Public!
A group of Young People have been bringing to life Wythenshawe’s heritage as part of a project being run by the WOW Zone, Wythenshawe Community Housing Group’s Learning Centre, with funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
On 5th September an interactive mural was installed at Wythenshawe Forum Library, showcasing the ‘Wonders of Wythenshawe’ based on art work created by the Young People themselves. The mural uses augmented reality technology, so anyone downloading the WOW Heritage App can experience the key events in Wythenshawe’s history coming alive!
A free book has also been published and is being sent out to Wythenshawe schools, to be used in local history lessons.
In total over 80 Young People aged 11-21 took part in the project, carrying out research and expressing the area’s rich heritage through poetry, dance, street art, film-making and music.
One of the students, Hayley, aged 17, said; “This has been an amazing project to be a part of. It has opened my eyes to our heritage and I’ve learnt so many new skills, like project management and film-making. It’s been really interesting visiting places like Wythenshawe Hall, speaking with people who are passionate about Wythenshawe’s history and putting on events for other Young People.”
Manchester’s Strategic Lead for Libraries, Galleries and Culture, Neil MacInnes, said, “It was a great celebration event and fabulous launch of the mural which I am delighted has pride of place in the library. This is a truly excellent project and it was fantastic to see the young people engaged in art, music, digital, dance whilst learning about the history of Wythenshawe.”
For find out more about the project and to download the WOW Heritage App, go to the website:
The WOW Zone, based at Woodhouse Park Lifestyle, is part of Wythenshawe Community Housing Group’s community investment programme, providing high quality and innovative learning programmes to young people in Wythenshawe, South Manchester. They work with local schools on a variety of creative and technology-based projects, with the aim to help raise children’s aspirations in Wythenshawe and equip them with the knowledge and skills to enter the modern age of computing.
For more details about the project and the WOW Zone, contact Andy Jordan on 436 0586 or call in at the Lifestyle Centre Reception to pick up a free copy of the WOW Heritage book!
Here are some video highlights from the event
Dance (to the song we recorded as part of the project, ‘Wythenshawe, Our Garden City’)