WeBuild- The Willows
Work is now progressing well at Wythenshawe Community Housing Group’s (WCHG) ‘The Willows’ development after an initial delay due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
The £4.29m development, with £812,000 of Homes England Funding and will provide 11 new Houses and 23 Apartments with an expected competition date of February 2022.
This site, previously WCHG’s Alfred Morris Court development, was under occupied and not suitably designed for a refurbishment project with demolition completed at the end of 2019 and after an initial delay due to Covid-19, work commenced on the new build in August 2020.
This multi tenure development will provide 7 x one bed and 16 x two-bed social rent apartments in one block, which will be complemented with 6 x 3 bed shared ownership semi-detached houses and 5 x detached houses for outright sale through Garden City Homes.
Onsite there will be a secure cycle store as well as electric vehicle charging points and all the houses have off road parking for two cars and private rear gardens. While the apartments have 100% parking and benefit from landscaped areas to the front and rear of the building.
WCHG Executive Director of Development Andrea Lowman said, “As an organisation we have to look at all the different options available to us to meet the rising need for homes in the Wythenshawe area and beyond. The Willows is a fantastic development that will help to provide much needed new homes for the Wythenshawe community”.
The Architect on the development is BTP, the Contractor is The Casey Group and the Employers Agent is Identity Consult.