Unlocking the talent in Wythenshawe
Wythenshawe Community Housing Group (WCHG) Real Opportunities programme is working with a local employer to help unlock the talent in Wythenshawe.
Real Opportunities is WCHG’s programme that enables local people to access local jobs by working with employers to help meet their recruitment needs.
Having recently moved into the Enterprise Centre on Benchill Road, Beckston Lewis asked WCHG’s Real Opportunities to help find 18 customer service advisors for a new contract they have won. Today, 13 Wythenshawe people started their training as customer service advisors with Beckston Lewis.
Managing Director, Kevin O’Connor said, “I grew up in Wythenshawe so I know there is talent in the area. Someone provided me with the opportunity to kick start my career that led me to start my business. I now want to give people in Wythenshawe the same opportunity to start their careers”.
Sarah Klueter, Assistant Director of Community Investment and Regeneration said, “This is what Real Opportunities and the Enterprise Centre is all about - linking the talent in Wythenshawe with employers”.
The Enterprise Centre is supported by WCHG to provide business advice and support to Wythenshawe entrepreneurs. Having the Real Opportunities team based in the same building means that more and more job opportunities are being passed through Real Opportunities.
If you would like to learn more about Real Opportunities or The Enterprise Centre please contact Nathan Jack on 0161 9046 1056