Off Road Motorbikes
Your Local Neighbourhood Policing Team are currently working to address the issue of Off Road Motorbikes and Quad bikes, being used by youths around in this area, causing significant impacts on local residents.
In an attempt to target these offenders, we are working closely with Manchester City Council’s Neighbourhood Delivery Team, and as part of this would like to ask for your cooperation in stopping the illegal use of these bikes on public roads and in public places.
We would request that you refuse the sales of petrol via dispensing into petrol containers to youths under 21 years of age, or to youths under 21 attending with off road bikes and fuelling the same. This step is requested to ensure that the use of these bikes is reduced and limited to lawful use at approved off road sites where they are fuelled in a correct safe manner.
Should you deem it necessary to sell petrol to anyone under 21 dispensing into petrol containers or off road bikes it would assist if proof of identification was sought for anyone making the purchase and a record held locally and made available upon request for information purposes. Suggested information to record would be the date, time, ID type, name and date of birth of purchaser.
We appreciate that this is not enforceable in law; however it is not anticipated that there are a high number of purchases made in this manner so this should not impact adversely on the daily activity of your staff. Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated and mean that the local area is safer for the local community.
Should you wish to discuss this, please do not hesitate to contact your local Integrated Neighbourhood Policing Team. Contact details can be located at
Yours Sincerely,
Greater Manchester Police