Real Neighbours Wythenshawe launches Time Bank
There was an impressive turnout for the Real Neighbours Wythenshawe Time Bank launch which was held at Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre on the 4th March.
Real Neighbours was established in 2010, the programme is delivered and cofounded by Wythenshawe Community Housing Group (WCHG) and MCC Health & Wellbeing Fund. Since Real Neighbours formation it has provided a staggering 500 volunteers, 80 initiatives and over 19,000 hours volunteered.
Group Chief Executive Nigel Wilson welcomed guests, which saw a sense of occasion with it being Wythenshawe’s first official Time Bank. Nigel said “The launch was about celebrating and building on the successes of the thousands of hours already donated by a rigorous framework of volunteering in the Wythenshawe community. It is impressive to see representation today from over 30 organisations old and new working across Wythenshawe, from the Forum, Clinical Commissioning Group to the learning disability charity Seashell Trust and the Women’s Domestic Abuse organisation recently launched SafeSpots and Saheli”.
The launch will provide a platform for a new way of volunteering that makes it easier for more people to volunteer at a time that suits them and their busy lives. This approach will also reward volunteers for their hard work and their time. The event also gave the opportunity to meet some of those volunteers and hear their stories on video and in person, which was inspiring.
Real Neighbours, Wythenshawe Time Bank will be the next step in growing community spirit that makes Wythenshawe a very special place to live and work. The Time Bank will see a vital source of support and energy for local community groups and services. It is a vital role for the success of Wythenshawe that everyone who lives and works here plays a role in strengthening the community.
If you are interested in getting involved with Real Neighbours Time Bank you will be registered and offered induction to the programme and provided with relevant training to support your volunteering journey.
For further information please contact Faye Greaves on 0161 945 6447 or by email at or Nicola Hamilton on 0161 946 7531 or by email at