Real Food – Winter Warmer Event
Real Food Wythenshawe is an ambitious five-year programme to engage and excite the people of Wythenshawe in growing and cooking fresh, sustainable food. It’s an ambitious project that aims to reach people across the whole community, supporting them all to lead healthier, lower carbon lifestyles through the food they grow, cook and eat.
The Real Food team have helped warm up colleagues at Wythenshawe Community Housing Group this November by holding a special Winter Warmer cooking demonstration at Wythenshawe House.
Setting up in the staff kitchen, the team made Spiced Winter Vegetable soup and a Winter Warmer Stew to not only give staff the opportunity to see how the dishes were made but also taste the dishes.
The team gave out a total of 195 tasters and 62 recipes as part of the event.
This will be the first of many demonstration events as part of the next phase of the Real Food project whose aims to engage and excite the people of Wythenshawe in growing and cooking fresh, sustainable food.