WCHG are based in South Manchester and allocate homes throughout the Wythenshawe area. We offer affordable housing for families, couples and single people. To register for re-housing please read the following.
I want to register for re-housing through WCHG:
WCHG are part of Manchester Move – We do not allocate homes direct and we do not offer homeless accommodation. To apply for a home please complete the on-line application by clicking the following link:
Manchester Move is a choice-based lettings system and is utilised by Manchester City Council and approximately 20 registered providers, including WCHG who advertise empty properties throughout the city.
I want to apply for re-housing but do not know if I meet the criteria for Manchester Move:
There was a new re-housing policy introduced on 3rd November 2020, you can find the new policy here:
How do I apply for a mutual exchange:
If you are a tenant of WCHG or another Registered Provider you may wish to consider a mutual exchange, as demand for properties in Manchester is exceptionally high, resulting in lengthy waiting times.
House Exchange is the largest not for profit mutual exchange system on the market who specialise in facilitating introductions between housing association or council tenants who are looking to swap their home.
To seek a mutual exchange, you can register with House Exchange by clicking this link:
If you are a WCHG tenant and you have found an exchange partner you can complete an application through WCHG website by clicking here
Read WCHG's Allocations Policy
If you are already a WCHG tenant, you must apply for re-housing via the Manchester Move website and your application will be managed by WCHG.
If you are not a tenant of WCHG, you will receive an email from Manchester Move to advise which housing association is dealing with your application.
If WCHG is selected to process your application, please see below for more details.
You can help reduce delays by managing your application on-line, in particular by uploading photographs of your documents straight on to your application, rather than sending them in by post or handing them in.
To do this, when you log into Manchester Move, you will notice a blue button that States upload supporting documents.
You can click on this button and upload the documents required. These will attach directly onto your rehousing application and automatically send a message to the landlord handling your application. Please ask a friend or relative for help if necessary.
If you are unable to upload your documents you will need to post them to:
Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
Wythenshawe House
8 Poundswick Lane
M22 9TA
You will be able to place bids on any properties you may be eligible for by logging onto your Manchester Move application.
Please note, all offers are subject to a satisfactory Money Health Check to ensure affordability.
Regularly log on to your Manchester Move application as properties can be advertised daily. You will not be considered for any property unless a bid has been placed.
Some of our properties are allocated using a Local Lettings Policy, for more information please see FAQ – What is a Local Lettings Policy?
You will need to fully complete the medical related questions on your Manchester Move application, this will trigger a medical assessment and you will be required to provide supporting information.
Please see section 16 of the Allocations policy by clicking here
This explains the reasons why applicants are placed on the review list, the review process and the criteria for a successful appeal.
Please note, if a decision is made to remove you from the review list, this is the date your application can be made live and you can join the waiting list.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your re-housing application reflects your current circumstances.
If any of your circumstances change please log on to your Manchester Move application and report a change in circumstances.
Please note, if you are made an offer but you have not updated your Manchester Move to reflect your current circumstances the offer could be withdrawn.
WCHG does not have homeless accommodation.
You will need to contact the Housing Solutions team at Manchester City Council, click here to access their services
You will be contacted by a member of the Tenancy Management Team, we will review your circumstances and arrange a virtual viewing. If you are interested in the offer a Money Health Check will be arranged to ensure the property is affordable for you.
On occasions Wythenshawe Community Housing Group (WCHG) may allocate properties outside of the Allocations Policy. On these occasions WCHG will allocate the properties using an LLP.
LLP’s are applied for various reasons and are used to help create sustainability within Neighbourhoods.
We have a number of LLP’ across Wythenshawe that support the aims of the Trust and help create sustainability within certain areas. Some of the reasons we may apply an LLP to an area or particular property type include:
- Help reduce anti-social behaviour
- Offer a choice and affordable product for those in employment
- Age restrict certain properties to promote social cohesion
All LLP’s will be reviewed every 12 months.
When properties do become available we will advertise them on Manchester Move. It is important that when you are looking for a property you always read the eligibility and description as this is where we will tell you about any special criteria.