Manchester Be Proud Awards 2015
Who’s your Hero?
Is there someone in your community that deserves a big thank you? Do you have a neighbour you couldn’t live without? Do you know of a local business that has a positive impact on your area?
The Be Proud Awards are the ideal way to say ‘Thanks’ to Manchester’s community heroes, rewarding volunteering excellence and outstanding spirit in our neighbourhoods. This is your opportunity to recognise those who have worked hard to change and improve the lives of others. Young or old, an individual or group – there’s a range of categories to choose from and we want to hear about who YOU think deserves an award.
If you know someone who goes the extra mile to make a difference in your area, you can nominate them online at, email or call 0161 274 6422 for a nomination form.
You can nominate anyone who lives, works or studies within the Manchester city boundaries.