Love Safely Event @ Wythenshawe Forum
WCHG’s Youth Team was proud to support Wythenshawe young people with the Love Safely event which took place at Wythenshawe Forum.
The event was attended by over 115 young people from across the local area with the aim of highlighting risks associated with unsafe or unhealthy relationships.
The day was centred on a series of workshops from 4 local Schools and two performances of a Drama piece by Footlights Theatre company, showcased to young people and professionals working with young people.
The event was organised by young volunteers from the WCHG Youth Provision supported by the youth team in partnership with, MCC children's and young people's team, Wythenshawe Forum, & Manchester Teenage Pregnancy Partnership.
The Event was supported by Wythenshawe Safespots, Brook young people's sexual health service, the Proud Trust, Eclipse young people's drugs and Alcohol service, Manchester Teenage Pregnancy Partnership and the Lottery.
As well as the performances and workshops the event also featured live entertainment, by local artists, information market stalls delivered by young people's health and well-being services.
WCHG Director of Neighbourhoods Jacque Allen said, “I was delighted to attend and see for myself just how many young people attended and engaged with it. We were pleased to support the event and play our part in educating young people to form healthy, stronger and safe relationships”