Launch of new Customer Experience Committee
As part of our commitment to ensuring we create greater opportunities to further increase engagement with tenants and hear our customers’ voices, we have launched the new Customer Experience Committee (CXC)
The new CXC replaces the previous Tenant Committee (TC) and has been formed as a result of a joint decision between both tenants and the Board.
The CXC differs from the previous TC as it is officially part of the governance structure and is a blended group of both customers/stakeholders and Group Board members.
The committee will have a maximum of nine members; consisting of up to six tenants, leaseholders, other customers of WCHG or independent members with community links, and three Group Board members.
The aim of the CXC is to strengthen the customer voice within the organisation, amplifying residents’ views and opinions at board level, and influencing and driving decision-making across the organisation.
The formation of the committee also reflects the UK’s Government’s Housing white paper, ‘The charter for social housing residents’, which raises expectations of housing associations on how they engage with tenants, ensure consumer and regulatory compliance and hear the tenant voice when scrutinising service delivery, performance and making strategic decisions.
In addition to the launch of the CXC, the WCHG directorate previously known as Housing, Community Investment and Customer Services, has been renamed to Customers and Communities.
The directorate’s name change comes at the same time as WCHG starts moving towards locality working. New teams tasked with delivering the new approach are now organising their ‘patches’, as well as sharing and developing ideas on how they can best serve customers and work collaboratively together.
This change to locality working is a direct response to feedback from both customers and colleagues, who outlined how this approach will improve customers’ experience of our services, and further support our communities to live well.
Together the directorate name change and the establishment of the CXC demonstrate WCHG’s renewed focus on putting customers at the very heart of the organisation.