GMHP have been working together to deliver added benefits for communities across the region
Greater Manchester Housing Providers have been working together to deliver added benefits for communities across the region. The approach is known as delivering ‘social value’ and a group of 15 social housing providers have worked to meet the six aims of:
- Promoting employment and economic sustainability
- Raising the living standards of local residents
- Promoting participation and citizen engagement
- Building capacity and sustainability in the voluntary and community sector
- Promoting equality and fairness, and
- Promoting environmental sustainability
The group has achieved some excellent results that are reflected in a set of ‘social value’ measures. These show that Greater Manchester Housing Providers have supported over 2,219 residents into employment; supported 11,917 weeks for apprentices; helped customers to access over £14m in benefits and grants to which they were entitled; engaged 8,243 tenants, supported 1,015 community groups, cleared 12,434 incidents of fly-tipping, helped 1,947 homeless people into housing, and helped 2,213 tenants to better manage their energy usage.
The work of the providers has a wide range of benefits across Greater Manchester, showing that social housing providers go above and beyond simply providing homes where people can live. The outcomes of the ‘social value’ work are not just felt by those living in social housing but also by the wider community, business in the region, and the economy more generally.
Further information on ‘social value’ outcomes can be found in the attached infographic.
Further information of the Greater Manchester Housing Providers Group can be found on the GMHP website: