WCHG’s Digital Inclusion Team continue to support and help people across Wythenshawe #GetOnline as more and more services are going digital.
The team can help support people in Wythenshawe with a whole host of things; from helping with online benefits claims and changes (Housing Benefit / Universal Credit) to supporting Manchester Move and Council Tax Reduction applications.
They can also assist with technical issues or troubleshooting on Desktops / Laptops / Smartphones / Tablets and can teach people how to use communication apps such as Zoom, WhatsApp or Skype. They can also help you register for WCHG’s Real Opportunities programme, for the latest job opportunities in the area and offer support with online training.
If you would like to find out more, contact Alasdair.Ricard@wchg.org.uk or call 07580 870 450.
Find out more about #GetOnlineWeek here - https://uk.getonlineweek.com/