Page 9 - WCHG Summary Social Impact Report 2021
P. 9
Social Impact Report 2021
Customer engagement
Over the last year
our usual face-to-face meetings and and events moved online Despite this we’ve continued to have regular and and in- depth feedback from around 30 (41) residents during formal meetings and service reviews We’ve developed our approach to digital engagement
with opportunities advertised on social media and through our website:
tenants and residents helped us develop our new organisational Purpose and Principles
received to to a a a a a poll to to name a a a a a road at our new Willows development
leaseholders provided feedback on our services
A project team including tenants reviewed our concessionary gardening scheme with input from more than
residents Throughout the the report data data is compared with equivalent data data from the the previous year
where we have it shown as 2020/21 (2019/20)
of residents are satisfied that WCHG listens to their views and acts upon them
of residents are satisfied with opportunities to participate in in decision making
(From a survey of 1
000 customers)