Page 6 - Wythenshawe 2020 Corporate Plan
P. 6

Wythenshawe is c8 miles south from Manchester City Centre and covers an
area of c11 square miles. It is bordered by some of the most affluent areas of the UK with Altrincham and Hale to the south west, Sale to the north west and Cheadle
to the east.
Key positives include:
£ Significantinwardinvestment
Great transport and connectivity
Job rich pre pandemic – 1.6 jobs per adult working age person Strong community spirit and supportive local partnerships Relatively affordable housing versus e.g. Manchester
Positive influence of our work over many years
residents of which
Challenges include the residual reputation of the area – ‘brand Wythenshawe’ is
not great, albeit it has been improving over recent years. More significantly, Wythenshawe is an area of multiple deprivation. For example, Manchester ranked 6th out of 317 Local Authority areas in the 2019 Index of Multiple Deprivation. This exhibits most starkly
in the poorer average life expectancy of Wythenshawe residents, for example this is seven years below neighbouring Trafford.
The impact of the pandemic on Wythenshawe, whilst uncertain, is likely to be significantly negative. For example, the community’s two biggest local employers are Manchester Airport and Wythenshawe Hospital and whilst the latter thrives, the former has uncertain prospects in the short to medium term.
Pandemic related challenges faced by the Airport and other local employers’ mean that a significant increase in job insecurity, unemployment, poverty and related social impacts is a likely scenario for many in the Wythenshawe community over the next few years.
live in our homes -
This challenging context is a critical influence on our priorities and our work. As a major anchor institution, to deliver our Purpose (see later note) we will intensify how we listen to and understand the changing needs of our tenants and
of the community. This will inform how we rebalance our skills and resources in partnership with others to have the most positive impact.
Other factors about Wythenshawe shape the development of the Plan and these are explained later.
6 Wythenshawe 2020-2022 Corporate Plan
of housing in Wythenshawe is owner occupied (national average 64%)
is social rented (national average 18%)
The area is home to

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