Page 10 - Wythenshawe 2020 Corporate Plan
P. 10

Strategic Themes – framing our response to the challenges
All Plan actions support
delivery of our four Strategic
Themes. Delivery against the
Strategic Themes in line with
the Guiding Principles will in
turn contribute to delivering
the Group’s Purpose.
Three Strategic Themes flow from Wythenshawe specific factors, one theme (Smarter Business) flows from our internal business analysis.
More Homes
Great Places
More Homes
There is a shortage of affordable homes of all tenures across Wythenshawe
and adjacent authorities. This is compounded by the limited land supply in south Manchester and intense competition from developers and other RP’s which reduces opportunities.
Our response is to make development of c200 new homes per annum a strategic priority over the next five
years. These homes will be across all tenure types
with an emphasis on affordable homes
for rent.
Living Well
Smarter Business
Whilst development in Wythenshawe
is the priority, we will also develop in neighbouring local authorities where this adds value to the Group and so benefits our Wythenshawe tenants. Through robust oversight of our development scheme appraisal and contract management processes we will ensure all new homes deliver good Value For Money for WCHG and for our tenants and home owners.
This work is supported by the Group’s Development Strategy and the actions in this Corporate Plan flow from
this strategy.
Strategic Theme Lead
Andrea Lowman
Executive Director of Development
10 Wythenshawe 2020-2022 Corporate Plan
new homes

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