Fire Evacuation Statement 22/06
Wythenshawe Community Housing Group (WCHG) would like to convey sincere condolences to those affected by the recent tragic events that unfolded at Grenfell Tower in London. WCHG want to reassure all our residents of the measures and protocols we have in place to ensure the safe and wellbeing of our customers is a priority at all times.
WCHG have a total of nine multi-storey buildings which are all subject to annual fire risk assessments, this includes checking of internal and external common areas, additional functionality of fire alarms and emergency lighting systems, along with firefighting system checks, all of which are up to date. WCHG manage a robust Emergency Evacuation Procedure for all Multi Storey Blocks to ensure the safety of all our residents is a priority.
All maintenance works completed and ongoing comply with British building regulations and are subject to Manchester City Council building control approval with the assurance of fire safety being a key element at all levels.
As more information is released, WCHG will respond accordingly with guidance from the Greater Manchester Fire Authority. They have issued their contact centre phone number for any residents that may be concerned where you can seek advice or request a home visit. Their contact number is 0800 555 815 and you can visit their website here
If a fire breaks out inside your home or communal areas and other parts of your building you are advised to;
- Stay in your home, however; if the fire is within your own property you are advised to leave immediately and raise the alarm
For anyone else where the fire is not within your own home please use the following guidelines
- Make sure your doors are shut
- Call the Fire and Rescue Service on 999
- Evacuate if you are told to do so by the Fire Service, if you feel unsafe or if your home is affected by heat or smoke
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us on
T: 0800 633 5500 (FREE FROM A LANDLINE)
T: 0300 111 0000 (LOCAL RATE FROM A MOBILE)
E: WCHG - Contact Us