Final Go-ahead for £18m Extra Care Scheme in Wythenshawe
Full planning approval has now been granted to Wythenshawe Community Housing Group (WCHG) for their landmark Extra Care Housing Scheme in Wythenshawe, South Manchester.
Work on this £18m development, which will provide 135 much-needed homes for older people, is scheduled to begin shortly with an anticipated completion by the end of 2015. Over £5m of the investment was awarded to WCHG via a Department of Health Care & Support Specialised Housing fund bid through the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA).
Amanda Seals, the recently appointed Extra Care Manager of the scheme said; “These purpose- built homes will ensure a high quality of life for older people by providing an on-site 24 hour care team and a range of facilities specifically catering for their needs. Residents will be able to live independent lives in their own 2 bedroom apartments and access the level of care necessary for their current needs, which can be adapted as needs change. This flexibility means that these homes could really be homes for life.”
These new modern, energy efficient homes will be located on the junction of Brownley Road and Hollyhedge Road and will provide a mix of 66 apartments for affordable rent, 39 apartments for shared ownership and 30 apartments for outright sale.
Consultation with local people has taken place so that they are aware of this new development and the fantastic resources it will bring for local people to enjoy. For instance, a Community Hub with a café will provide a focal point for scheme residents and encourage social activity with the local community, who will also have access to this communal space. The development will be set in landscaped sensory gardens and the homes have been designed to meet full mobility and access under Lifetime Homes, ensuring the living spaces are flexible in design and are a generous size to meet the needs of the residents.
Eddy Newman, Chair of WCHG, said: “This new facility will also provide job opportunities for local people, both in the construction phase of the development, and when it is up and running. We also hope to work closely with The Manchester College in Wythenshawe to provide training and job opportunities in health and social care, catering and hair and beauty as part of the Community facilities on offer in the communal hub of the scheme.”
Nigel Wilson, Group Chief Executive of WCHG said; “This is an exciting project for the Group and a fantastic investment in Wythenshawe. Not only will it provide much needed homes for local people wanting to find somewhere more suited to their needs, it may also release some larger family homes for our every-growing waiting list for social housing. It really is a win-win scenario.”
To find out more about the scheme contact
- David Knowles Property Services Manager on 0161 946 9568.
- Amanda Seals, Extra Care Senior Manager on 0161 946 9581