CX Chat March 2024
Welcome to this month's CX Chat, where we're sharing what we learned at our recent WCHG Customer Experience Committee (CXC) meeting. CXC is where tenants and Group Board members have their say on important matters. David Nuttall, member of the CXC talks us through the highlights from the latest session.
"Hi, my name’s David. I’m a local resident and I’ve been on the Customer Experience Committee (CXC) since it was formed in January 2023. After every meeting, we share some highlights of what we discussed, the decisions we made and what’s coming up next.
What we’re doing next
We’ve agreed our work programme for the next 12 months. This is so we know before our meetings what we’ll be focusing on, and where we want to see improvements. We’ve asked a group of residents, the Scrutiny Group, to scrutinise:
- How WCHG supports people experiencing domestic abuse (in July 2024)
- The quality of WCHG homes (in September 2024)
- The safety of WCHG buildings (in November 2024)
- The mutual exchange service (in January 2025)
- How WCHG handles complaints (in March 2025)
You can get involved in two ways:
- If you can attend monthly meetings and want to learn about scrutinising services, you might want to join our Scrutiny Group. Call or message WCHG’s Resident Involvement Manager, Lorna Clancy, to find out more on 07410 943 952.
- If you want to let us know your thoughts and ideas, please email with the subject ‘Tell the Customer Experience Committee’ and we’ll make sure we reply.
At the March meeting we checked the progress made since we approved a new approach to how WCHG work with people who hoard possessions in their home. Hoarding can be a fire risk but it’s also a mental health condition. Residents have their reasons for hoarding and it can’t be solved by sending letters. We think it’s important WCHG officers spend time supporting residents to reduce their hoarding so it can be done safely, with practical help. It was good to see this policy has been adopted by WCHG teams and more than 400 residents have been helped in the last year.
Succession and Mutual Exchanges
We asked WCHG’s Head of Housing to attend our meeting, and provide a report before it, about succession and mutual exchanges. It’s important WCHG makes the best use of its homes and residents are supported to move if their housing needs change.
Tenants and Residents Associations (TARA)
Tenants and Residents Associations are a great way to find out what’s going on in our communities. Meetings are run by residents, and local councillors, the police and housing all attend. We heard there have been some problems with a local TARA not feeling well supported. We’ve asked WCHG officers to review how TARAs are supported, and report back to us at our next meeting with recommendations on what more can be done.
Thanks for taking the time to read about what the CXC is working on. If you have any questions or you’d like to know more about the work we do, please email us."