Help Getting Online at Home

Get online in Wythenshawe

Do you know someone who wants to get online in Wythenshawe?

They want to, but it costs too much.

We can help:

  • Find low-cost home broadband, known as a social tariff
  • With data SIMs for their mobile

They want to, but it’s too complicated.

We can help:

  • With relaxed, friendly, free training
  • Make the best use of their device
  • To be confident and safe online

They don’t want to be online. They're not interested.

Getting online helps:

  • Connect with family and friends
  • Save money, even on essentials
  • Be better off and earn more
  • Improve health and wellbeing

If they want to talk about getting online there are lots of ways we can help. They don’t need any experience to get started.

They can call our Customer Hub on 0800 633 5500 or 0300 111 0000. Pop in and see us at Benchill Community Centre, Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre or Wythenshawe House, Poundswick Lane and we’ll make sure they get the right information and help.


What's a social tariff?

It’s a home internet connection for people on benefits, to get online at a lower price. Our IT tutors at Benchill Community Centre can support residents who want to take advantage of the social tariff broadband offers provided by Virgin Media O2.

Who's eligible?

Anyone who is receiving:

  • Pension Credit
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
  • Income-based Employment Support Allowance
  • Universal Credit

What’s good about a social tariff?

  • It's probably the cheapest way to get online at home with broadband
  • There are no set up costs or installation costs
  • It’s a 30-day rolling contract, so people aren’t tied into anything other than the current month
  • The service can be stopped if money is tight, with no penalty or charges
  • People can leave at any time, and it won’t cost a penny

Do you have an old device you'd like to donate to someone in need?

We recycle the IT equipment we no longer need back into our community. If you want to donate a device you no longer use, please visit

Remember to remove all personal information before donating your device. You can visit for more information on how to do this.

Find out why and how we're working with Virgin Media O2

Useful links

IT access and classes at our Benchill Community Centre where you can get IT training
IT access and classes at our Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre where you can get IT training
Are you a low income household? Get low cost broadband with Virgin Media O2
Find out more about the Get online Greater Manchester: digital inclusion pilot for social housing residents pilot we are taking part in
Our Customer Support page includes more information on cost of living support