Corporate Plan 2020-22
Today we are delighted to launch the Groups new ‘Corporate Plan’ which sets out our journey to 2022 and beyond. It spotlights the projects and actions WCHG will develop and deliver over the period April 2020 to March 2022. The Plan was developed in the early period of the Covid-19 pandemic, during a time where the economic and social future of the UK and crucially of Wythenshawe, is uncertain. This is why we will focus on a two year period and will review our strategic planning horizon in the autumn of 2020 and will look to extend our plans out to five years once we are confident years’ three to five will meet the needs of tenants, the wider community and of our business at that time.
We recognise that this period of uncertainty and volatility resulting from the pandemic is likely to be of a long duration so we will mitigate this strategic risk by regularly reviewing our priorities and plans in line with a clear purpose and values.
This Plan is an important building block for WCHG's longer term future and many of the actions will help build our long term resilience and capability. These actions build on work in progress to develop and implement long term strategic plans in services where we are confident about the medium and longer term requirements of the business and of Wythenshawe.