Complaints, feedback and praise

Complaints, feedback and praise

Customer feedback

Complaints, feedback and praise is essential to us and we're committed to understanding from our customers what is working well, what we could do better and how we can improve our services. We accept we might not get things right all of the time and when things do go wrong we need to know about it. We also encourage customers to share positive experiences, as you motivate and inspire us to deliver even better outcomes. Your feedback, both constructive and positive, enables us to better serve you and exceed your expectations.

Letting us know about complaints, feedback and praise

Sometimes things don’t go quite right or as well as they should. If you’re unhappy with any aspect of our services, please tell us so we can make things right.

On the Complaints, Feedback and Praise form
By email: complaints&
By telephone: 0800 633 5500 or 0300 111 0000
Write to us: Customer Services Manager, 8 Poundswick Lane, M22 9TA
Visit us: Wythenshawe House, 8 Poundswick Lane. M22 9TA (within office hours)

How does it work?

If you’re dissatisfied with something and make a complaint, we aim to deal with it there and then if we can.

If this is not possible, our complaints process applies.

Feedback - Your Guide (pdf)

Our policy is based on a set of overarching principle which are to be fair, to identify what went wrong, to put this right as quickly as possible and to learn from complaint outcomes.  It is also based on the what is set out by the Housing Ombudsman Service Complaint Handling Code. Please see WCHG Self-Assessment in accordance with the code.

Once you make a complaint we have a clear two stage process which sets out the expected timescales for acknowledgement, investigation and response times.

Stage 1

  • We will try to speak to you check we have all the right information
  • We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days
  • Discuss your complaint with you as part of our formal investigation to see how we can Make it Right
  • let you know the outcome of your complaint with 10 working days

If you are not satisfied with the outcome, let us know within 28 days & tell us why you are dissatisfied.

Stage 2

  • Acknowledge if we have accepted your appeal within 5 working days
  • You will be contacted by a senior manager to discuss further
  • They will review the response already provided, speak with you to discuss how we can make it right

You will find out the outcome of your complaint within 20 working days.

If you are still not satisfied contact the housing Ombudsman service.

Housing Ombudsman Service
PO Box 152
L33 7WQ

Tel: 0300 111 0000

Reasonable Adjustments

It is important that we better understand and meet the needs and requirements of our residents by facilitating fair and equal access to our services. To this end we will make reasonable adjustments if they will help you access the complaints process. There is no prescribed list of reasonable adjustments; the adjustment will depend on your needs. We will discuss your requirements with you and seek to reach agreement on what may be reasonable in the circumstances. Please see Reasonable Adjustment Statement.