Community Connector event a success!
Our Community and Neighbourhood Development team held their Community Connector event and it was a huge success, with over 70 members of the community showing up.
Taking place on Tuesday 23rd April at the Dandelion Community, the event saw 18 community partners with booths available for members of the community to visit and some live talks in relation to this event’s theme of the Cost of Living.
A representative of Wythenshawe Foodbank, Tom, spoke of his experience there, and a representative from Manchester Central Foodbank, Matt, spoke about the Anti-Poverty Network for Wythenshawe and an event, ‘Wythenshawe Against Poverty’, taking place in Wythenshawe Civic Centre this Saturday.
Shannon Fitzgerald, Lead Community Development Coordinator, shared:
“These events just keep getting better and better! The feedback we received from the community members who attended really speaks for itself. The success of the events is down to those community members and the collaborative attitudes of the people working across our Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector in Wythenshawe, whether that’s in a professional or volunteer capacity.
“The Community Connector is shining a light on these stakeholders and their work, as well as connecting them with one another to enable better support for our tenants and residents.”
Community partners included: Early essentials, Pick a Uni, Age Friendly Network, Living Well WCHG, Financial Inclusion WCHG, GM Fire and Rescue, Manchester Credit Union, Caritas Shrewsbury, Wood Street Mission, Christians Against Poverty, Citizens Advice, Wythenshawe Foodbank, Manchester Central Foodbank, FareShop, Be Smoke Free, The Message Trust, The Little Light House Baby Bank and Pakistani Resource Centre.
Be sure not to miss out on our next two Community Connectors!
- Work, Skills and Volunteering
Wednesday 22nd May, 12.30pm-2pm
Wythenshawe Forum, Simonsway, M22 5RX
- Health and Wellbeing
Tuesday 18th June, 12.30pm-2pm
The Message Trust, Harper Rd., M22 4RG