Communitree Feedback Fair
Shaping future services within the Wythenshawe community
With almost 2,000 responses, in one of the largest and most diverse consultations to date, we now want to share our results with you.
This campaigns aim was to engage the Wythenshawe community and to give residents their say in shaping future services.
Joining us on the day will be 25 community groups and organisations who will be showcasing what they have to offer the people of Wythenshawe.
Where: The Forum, Simonsway, Wythenshawe, Manchester M22 5RX
When: 10am-2pm || 30th November 2022
Community Groups
Wythenshawe Community Initiative - Woodhouse Park Family Centre
Brooklands TARA & Foodcycle
Dandelion Community Church
Wythenshawe Safety Patrol & ROCC Community food hub
Your Local Voice Newspaper
Advantage Dyslexia & Directions4men
Tree of life
Read Easy Wythenshawe
Wythenshawe Foodbank
Connect Support & Lifted Carers
Know Africa Foundation
Wythenshawe Muslim Association
Wythenshawe Women's Welfare Association
Wythenshawe Men's Welfare Assocation
Southside Magazine
Age Friendly Network - sharing a table with Phil from Buzz
Simply Cycling
Wythenshawe Warriors Walking Football Club
Caritas Shrewsbury / Well Women Refugee's