Challenge Poverty Week Blog – Day 3
During Challenge Poverty Week we will be blogging each day to shine a spotlight on the work WCHG’s Financial Inclusion Officers do every day to challenge poverty.
These are the typical things that the team advise on to help tenants facing difficult financial times.
I am the duty officer today and when I log on in the morning I take a call from our Contact Centre.
An elderly tenant has called in as she is worried about her fuel bills. She has heard that prices are going to increase and she doesn’t think she will manage the winter. I ring her back and reassure her that there are things I can help her with so she can manage her bills. I make sure she knows about the Warm Homes Discount. This is a scheme some suppliers provide where people can get £140 off their electricity bill for winter 2021 to 2022 if they meet certain criteria.
I also remind her she will get a Winter Fuel Payment. This is paid automatically if you are born on or before 26 September 1955 and can be between £100 and £300. I ask if she would like to be referred to Groundwork who are an organisation we refer lots of tenants to for energy saving advice. They can provide free small energy saving products, like radiator foils and draft excluders. They can also check if people could switch to a cheaper tariff.
Financial Inclusion Officer