Challenge Poverty Week Blog – Day 1
During Challenge Poverty Week we will be blogging each day of this week to shine a spotlight on the work that WCHG’s Financial Inclusion Officers do every day to challenge poverty.
These are some of the typical things that the team advise on to help tenants facing difficult financial times.
I start the day ringing a young care leaver who has been offered one of our properties. She has never had a tenancy of her own, so I run through what expenses she could expect to have for a one bedroom flat.
She is working part time but will need to claim Universal Credit to top up her income and help with her rent. I run through how she makes a claim and let her know about our Digital Inclusion Officer who can help if she gets stuck.
I also advise her to notify Council Tax and all the utility companies that she is the new tenant. As she’s a Care Leaver I advise to help her claim a Local Welfare Provision furniture pack from Manchester City Council, which will include the basics she will need to move in. I also advise that she may qualify for a Council Tax Discount until she is 25 years old and send her the link to claim.
I let her know that I will call in a week to check her move has gone smoothly and see if there is anything else we can support her with.
Jo Woodcock
Financial Inclusion Team Leader