Board and Committee Member Recruitment
Remuneration: Reasonable salary and expenses paid.
Based in South Manchester, Wythenshawe Community Housing Group (“WCHG”) is the largest Manchester-based registered housing provider, responsible for 13,700 properties across a four square mile area. With an ambitious development programme, WCHG has a key role as a community anchor business that goes beyond housing. 45% of people in Wythenshawe are housed by WCHG, 50% of the organisation’s staff live in the local community and almost 20% of the staff are also tenants. Having pioneered a successful, community focussed approach to delivering services and invest in communities, WCHG boasts high levels of tenant engagement and involvement.
WCHG’s vision is ‘‘To create a community where people choose to live and work, having pride in their homes and services’ Formed through a group structure in 2013, WCHG has gone from strength to strength and is not only committed to growth through the development of affordable, high quality new homes, but also to investing in local communities and being an employer of choice.
WCHG is governed by a Common Board, supported by three Board Committees. We are currently recruiting a Non-Executive Director to serve on the Board and also Chair of Audit & Risk Committee. In particular we are seeking applications from candidates who can bring insight into our community or communities such as ours. For Audit & Risk Committee, we are looking for candidates with a professional qualification in finance and a good knowledge of finance, treasury and risk in an organisation of comparable scale and complexity. Chairing experience is essential as is an interest in (or knowledge of) the social housing sector.
In addition to technical skills, we recognise that diversity of thought will strengthen our Board and are committed to supporting and promoting equality, diversity and inclusion. We are keen to attract a wide range of candidates to these roles and particularly welcome applications from groups that are currently under-represented on our Board.
If you would like more information about the role, please click here. If you are interested in being part of the WCHG’s future and support us in delivering our vision, then please download our recruitment pack at:
The closing date for applications is 10:00am, Monday 9 November 2020.